Discover who your sign best matches with: Gemini and Virgo
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These are two signs ruled by Mercury, so mental exchanges will always be a hallmark of the relationship.
Virgo’s systematic and methodical approach to daily life can potentially leave Gemini feeling a bit restricted and even furious. However, it can also add a bit of order and organization to their day and schedule.
Gemini is the child of air, and Virgo is the child of earth, which could be the biggest challenge in the relationship. Gemini is scattered, while Virgo is very realistic and down-to-earth.
It’s not the calmest of relationships, but the mental exchange will be splendid because both are extremely intelligent and lovers of knowledge. The library and bookstore will be among their favorite outings.
Both process life’s events through the mind, and that’s why the biggest challenge might be the emotional defenses they both possess, especially when feelings begin to surface and love is expressed.
Virgo is too reserved and shy, which may bother the sociable and somewhat brazen Gemini. Not to mention the need to criticize and pay attention to details all around. Gemini might not adapt to Virgo’s quirks and neuroses, love for cleanliness, and attention to details.
Virgo’s excessive sense of organization could leave any Gemini feeling unsettled.
Virgo might get quite annoyed with possible irresponsibilities and thoughtless actions, as well as Gemini’s lack of commitment, since Virgo is an earth sign and typically takes responsibility for every action and word uttered.
Virgo is known for its discretion and refinement, qualities lacking in our expansive and talkative Gemini. In bed, Virgo might not be able to overcome their shyness in the face of Gemini.